Highland Mexican

Los mejores criadores de cannabis

Moderadores: Rivalpo, weed'O, tristan

Mensajes: 4645
Registrado: Mié Nov 10, 2010 4:58 pm
Ubicación: Mediterráneo

Highland Mexican

Mensajepor tristan » Dom May 13, 2012 4:35 pm

Highland Mexican x Blueberry

Indoor / Greenhouse

A unique treasure from the past, which is very different from today’s marketplace cannabis. The maternal contributor was a potent and sweet highland Guerreran specimen selected from a true Mexican land race stock, collected circa ‘72-‘73.

The blueberry pollen was from an F4 generation (original stock unique to DJ Short). Technically not an F1 hybrid as the Mexican land race individual is not from a stabilized breeding line; as such growers will find a small degree of variation. Only recommended for equatorial and sub-equatorial outdoor plantings, greenhouse environments, or very experienced indoor cultivators using growth chambers with sufficient light intensity and height requirements to accommodate her equatorial habit.

Indoors only clones from mature mother plants should be induced to flower shortly after rooting.

Height: 2m + Greenhouse/Outdoor

Yield 1-2 Kilos per plant if allowed to grow to their fullest potential is full sun.

Genetic Heritage by region: Mexico, Thailand, Columbia, Afghanistan

Breeder: Chimera Highland Mexican X Blueberry

Lineage if known: Mexican HIghland x Blueberry sativa. I believe its a early 70s Michocan stock crossed with a purple thai leaning male.

Type (sativa/indica ratio): Mostly Sativa if not pure

Females tested: 1

Variation: Pretty uniform ended up with 4 males to 1 female, the males look very similar to each other except the flower times one is early like 10 days the other later like 14-16

Indoor flower period: 10-11weeks, the pheno i have starts flowering early was done around 70 days first cycle. I suspect its good anywhere from 70-80 days ideally.

Outdoor harvest time:

Plant Size/Structure: Tall typical mexican sativa, Huge fan leaves but and very brancy, but has the ability to fill in nicely and grow long slender colas. But flowered at a few inches tall plants will stretch to 3 feet easy.

Ease of Growing (1 = hard 10 = easy) 5, was a real pleasure to grow actually but requires a proper feeding scheduale and looks like it throws a few male flowers about 9 weeks into flower. Will require some future planning and proper timing inthe future but i don't think its really an issue and is something i will deal with if i have to

Ease of Cloning (1 = hard 10 = easy) 9, roots quick and easy

Odor Level medium

GROW Method: dirt


Density Big ole Fluffy 95% pure look sativa spears. You could probably pull individual calyxes off if you wanted to. nice resin coverage. I see a resemblance to high quality modern mexi spears in the looks of the buds but those are few and far between.

Aroma. Buds are not overwhelmingingly strong but break it up and it smells very citrusy with overtones of blueberry. Quite an intoxicating aroma.

COMMENTS: Rolls real well, dry hits are more berry or almost guava tasting.


Potency: Just about right. Very mellow and relaxed, strong and long lasting but not indica type of heavy but its a tad bit dopey i suppose. I let my girl vapo same and she looked ripped, she doesnt smoke/vapo much but was noticibley impressed and 30 mins later, was like i felt like i took a xanax. She was noticble stoned with blood shot and watery eyes and you could tell was on mexican time.

Taste Still not cured but very tasty, i know taste the blueberry, not as strong as the bb indica from the late 90s (that was more a bb muffin smell) this is more tropical and earthy

Smoothness (1 = harsh 10 = smooth) 8.5 will get better with a cure but extremly smooth no major lung expansion, but the type of stuff i wish i was smoking on the beach with my toes in the hot sand.

Indica Influence slight?

Sativa Influence 95%

Effect Onset (1 = immediate 10 = super creeper) 3 or 4 you feel it quick but it continues to rise. 20 mins after smoking i fell very psychedelic, almost have tracers of colors in my vision but noticeable extremely high feeling in my head. Like im floating.

Duration (In hours) 3-4hrs

Tolerance Buildup (1 = slow 10 = fast) 2-3

Overall Satisfaction extremely pleased, maybe a little tricky to grow in the closet but well worth it, if this is what the famed sativas of the late 60s and 70s where all about then those might have been the best tropical outdoor buds ever known to man. Around here you don't see stuff like this to often. Hazes are around but those are another class of high. I hope to be able to have a jar of this stuff around for a long time.

High Description: well im sitting here in below freezing temperatures on my porch smoking a blunt and i can almost imagine im sitting on the beach in the Yucatan with not a care to the world. Noticeable more relaxed mood and better overall general state of mind. I FEEEL GOOD.

Smell: the room its being burnt in smells amazing.

Taste: extremely well suited for a tobacco leaf, the combo of the leaf and the sativa expression of the bud makes for an incredible smooth and tasty smoke, I taste a lot of tropical fruit maybe a hint or two of sandlewood in the after taste but the smoke in your mouth is more fruity.

Medical Effects: Seems like it would be good for anxiety and depression. I don't know how well it would be for pain and neurological issues. But i feel its more of a mood enhancer then a narcotic stone.

Medicinal Strength 8?

COMMENTS: i wish i had a greenhouse or lived farther south i would love to see this outside in its natural glory. May not be well suited for most indoor growers except those with a sativa passion. but well worth the effort for any true cannabis lover.


A treat to say the least. Looks like Mexican but has a lot more tropical flavor then your typical mex. Need to figure this girl out but she's sticking around for a bit


Mensajes: 128
Registrado: Mié May 11, 2011 11:16 am

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor GlennOrch » Mar Sep 25, 2012 12:55 am

Esta planta es una pasada... la cultivó un colega y me dijo que es la crema! Una pena que no venda las Guerrero y solo el híbrido con blueberry! :)

Mensajes: 4645
Registrado: Mié Nov 10, 2010 4:58 pm
Ubicación: Mediterráneo

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor tristan » Dom Mar 10, 2013 12:17 am

GlennOrch escribió:Esta planta es una pasada... la cultivó un colega y me dijo que es la crema! Una pena que no venda las Guerrero y solo el híbrido con blueberry! :)


Creo que alguien la estaba cultivando por aquí, a mi también me llama la atención, tal vez en breves veamos unas fotos.


Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Vie Dic 17, 2010 3:02 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor soleil » Vie Mar 15, 2013 10:51 pm


Acabo de poner 5 en florescencia. 1 no germinó.
Mexican highland
Espero el sexage..
1 , 2
2 otros
Edit :
falta el más pequeño, todavía lo dejo en crecimiento

Última edición por soleil el Dom Mar 17, 2013 11:44 am, editado 1 vez en total.

Mensajes: 4645
Registrado: Mié Nov 10, 2010 4:58 pm
Ubicación: Mediterráneo

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor tristan » Vie Mar 15, 2013 10:58 pm

soleil escribió:Hola

Acabo de poner 5 en florescencia. 1 no germinó.
Mexican highland
Espero el sexage..
1 , 2
2 otros
falta el más pequeño, todavía lo dejo en crecimiento


yeah... :D
ahí te seguimos amigo... 8-)

Mensajes: 41
Registrado: Lun Dic 31, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor elmanis » Mar Mar 19, 2013 5:42 pm

Yo tengo un peaazo macho de la unica que germine cuando llegaron... cuando arregle la camara le hecho unos flashes y la cuelgo.
Huele muchisimo y tiene muuuuy buena pinta, ahora tengo un esquejillo y ando puteando a la pobre a ver que tal responde al puteo, como no me travestize hago una insemillacion con una nevilles que me llego hace poco... :geek:

Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Vie Dic 17, 2010 3:02 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor soleil » Vie Abr 26, 2013 6:23 pm


Tuve una hembra.
Afligido para la calidad de la cultura.
Mexican Higland +-45 Dias


Mensajes: 41
Registrado: Lun Dic 31, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor elmanis » Jue Jun 06, 2013 6:49 pm

Lo dicho, hay va el machete de "ijlan mesican", la flora empieza rapido pero se alraga bastante y estira muchisimo... El esqueje tenia unos veinte centimetros y acabo con casi un metro

hm x bb.JPG
hm x bb.JPG (160.55 KiB) Visto 8317 veces

Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Vie Dic 17, 2010 3:02 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor soleil » Sab Jun 15, 2013 1:07 pm


Buena variedad. Presta + - 75 días.
Producción muy buena. Muy estable.
Empezaré de nuevo con los esquejes.
Resiste muy bien a las arañas.
Demanda pocos abonos. Estiramiento X 4.
Se seca de momento


Mensajes: 41
Registrado: Lun Dic 31, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: Highland Mexican

Mensajepor elmanis » Dom Jun 16, 2013 6:13 pm

Holas, la verdad es que estira un huevo la "jodia". Al ver tu post anterior estuve a punto de no provarla este año, peeroo... tengo tres por sexar en el huerto ;) ( me da que tiene un indice de machos bastante alto) a ver si seca pronto y puedes contarnos que tal va de aromas y de efectos.
La verdad es que el macho que tengo es uno de los mas olorosos que he tenido el placer de acercarme a las napias, ademas me gusta porque tiene una flora bien larga... Lo he cruzado con nevilles, G13 x Hp, schnazzleberry y lo guardo por si saliese una buena hembra para hacer una buena racion de F2´s, en esta linea creo que se pueden encontrar buenas matas seleccionando en la segunda generacion y buscando cosas del lado mejicano.
Aparte de eso, creo haber leido por ahi que chimera iba a dejar de vender semillas para dedicarse a otros proyectos. No quiero que me pase como con SoL, que a ver quien es el guapo que consigue un macho de shiska...

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